Refine Product List
Grading and Slope Lasers
Benchmark Arizona provides laser levels from ProShot, GeoMax, and Topcon. Dual slope lasers
are usually used for grading Pads or Fields. Single slope for pads of pipe lines. Longer range for farming.
Geomax Zeta pipe laser with standard target accessories Product #6010625 $4,000.00
Geomax ZONE 75 DG (No remote) Product #6017595 $2,614.50
Proshot AS2 slope laser without sensor with case Product #300-0000P $1,400.00
Pro Shot AS2 single grade slope rotary Laser Level, 10% with R9 Detector Product #300-0000S $1,550.00
Pro Shot AS2 Magnum Slope Laser Level up to 25% with R9 Detector made in USA Product #AS2 Magnum $1,650.00
GeoMax Zone60 HG, Semi Automatic Dual Grade Laser Rotator Product #6013526 $1,254.00
GeoMax Zone60 DG, Dual Grade Laser Rotator from AGL-Geomax Product #6013528 $1,882.00
Pro Shot Alpha-c Cone Laser Level (4% Cone Angle) with R9 Detector Product #020-0020-C-4 $2,420.00
Pro Shot Alpha-c Cone Laser Level 1.7 % with R9 Detector Product #020-0020-C-1.7 $2,420.00
Topcon Positioning RL-HV1S WDBX, Single Slope 5% Readout with LS-80X Receiver Product #1051612-08 $1,925.00
Topcon RL-SV2S dual slope, Rech. Batt. LS100D digital receiver Product #313990778 $2,349.00
RL-SV2S Topcon Duel Slope Laser Level with Remote, case, NO DETECTOR Product #313990758-ND $1,968.00
LaserLine Quad4000 Long range, One-Man Layout & Control Laser Product #Quad4000 $5,895.00